Page 16 - Crestron Home CoolAtomation
P. 16

Configure Fan Speed

      On the BACnet Explorer Side

      Locate and click on CoolMasterNet from the Device list on the top right.
      CoolMasterNet’s sub-list, locate and click on XYZ fan_speed, where XYZ
      represents the indoor unit being configured

      Locate and click on Object Identifier and State Text in the BACnet Property list

      Notate the Object Identifier, Type, and Instance values                                                        64  64

      Notate the State Text and Object Array values

      On the Crestron Home Side

      Click on the Fan Mode menu

      Set the Fan Mode to Multistate
      Input the Instance and Type discovered through your BACnet device explorer for
      the Dropdown Menu and Object Id field under both the in and out columns

      Input the associated State Text and Object Array values discovered through your
      BACnet device explorer to their corresponding fields under both the in and out
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